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Showing posts from July, 2021

The Resilience of Mixed Breed Economies: Some Perspectives on Government Intervention Stirring the Free Market

Though I have friends of all political and economic “stripes,” I identify as an ethical free-market capitalist and a moderate. I believe that anyone should have the right to work hard and prosper, free of overly restrictive legislation or limitations. Alongside my fierce independence, I also acknowledge the need for intervention to combat barriers to entry and to weed out institutional discrimination. I support social safety nets and espouse compromise; in the same way that the world has never seen a pure communist or socialist system, we, as Americans, do not live in a “pure” capitalist economy either. In reality, “pure” strands of anything seldom work. Purebred animals suffer from genetic defects and vulnerability to disease. Pure culinary components produce bland and flavorless dishes. Similarly, “pure” economic systems result in undesirable benefits for many or concentrations of power in the hands of a few brokers. In reality, hybrid animals, food combinations, and mixed economic s...