We've heard it all before. I know! I get it already! You don't have to repeat yourself. Actually, yes, we do...... Whether you're a parent, a manager, or a college professor, we've heard similar things. People don't like it when we repeat ourselves. However, such reactions don't mean that repetition is a BAD thing. In the same way that few children will voluntarily eat green vegetables, sometimes repetition is a way of ensuring that healthy, good-for-you content makes its way into the brains of our recipients. Why should we be repetitive? The Rule of 7 suggests that people have to hear something seven times before recalling it (though a Microsoft study indicated the number can range from 6-20) (https://thefinancialbrand.com/42323/advertising-marketing-messages-effective-frequency/#:~:text=Some%20say%20repeating%20a%20message,6%20and%2020%20was%20best). My rule of thumb for communications classes goes something like...